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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11AM  NBC  September 28, 2012 11:00am-11:30am PDT

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this is the greatest example of one life loss being too many. >> turning tragedy into hope. a new bridge over the street where a toddler was hit and killed seven years ago. we'll tell you what it means for that community. plus, making tracks down south. b.a.r.t.'s south bay extension is moving forward today. we are live at the groundbreaking. and look at the clear beautiful skies. the temperatures, christina loren, tells us continue to go up and up. we'll have details coming up. you are watching nbc bay area. good morning. thanks for being with us.
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i'm marla tellez. >> and i'm jon kelley. people don't usually celebrate the opening of a new pedestrian bridge. this is different. this stretches over where a toddler was killed. we have the latest with what is an emotional ribbon cutting. dami damian, you see this coming full circle. >> reporter: people ask why this wasn't built before the tragedy in 2005. dozens of people cut across the railroad tracks to go home or to the strip malls. here is what brought it out today. back in 2005, alexander agulair was crossing his baby sitter across the tracks and he was hit and killed. today, a pedestrian bridge will
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open across monterrey road near blossom hill road. in memory of the boy, the bridge will be known as xander's crossing. >> this is huge. this is a long time coming and it's finally here. you know, just can't be happy. happy enough for all the people from this city that came together and built this bridge in the honor of my grandson. >> reporter: the bridge cost $10 million. developers used city, state and federal funds to complete it. red tape in getting some of the funds delayed the construction. and marla, when was the last time you saw a gathering of 400 people just for the grand opening of the pedestrian bridge? that's what we're seeing here.
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quite scene. reporting live in san jose, back to you. the new b.a.r.t. extension takes another step forward. south bay leaders are set to break ground on the project in fremo fremont. that is where christie smith is live for the ceremony. >> reporter: good morning to you. they have the gold shovels out here marking the complete transformation of the area. the officials here and all of the steel you see piled up in the background will be driven into the ground. there are four separate projects happening at the same time in this area to make way for the b.a.r.t. silicon valley extension, including widening mission boulevard to six lanes between 880 and warren springs and building the ramps and depressing warren avenue and b.a.r.t. bridges and union
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pacific railroad. this is a joint project paid for with state and local and federal money. reconfiguring the lanes so b.a.r.t. doesn't compete with other traffic in its design. >> we have b.a.r.t. going under or over. we are depressing warren avenue under the future b.a.r.t. operations and the significant added benefit will be depressed under the current railroad operations. >> reporter: this gives you an idea of what warren avenue will look like. it will become an underpass. the project received about $10 million in state prop 1-b funding. b.a.r.t. trains will roll over the underpass. based on the construction schedule, it looks like it may come sooner than 2015.
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reporting live in fremont, christie smith, nbc bay area news. new this morning, a smoke alarm in willow glen may have saved the lives of a mother and daughter. firefighters say the house went up in flames before 7:00 this morning. the home is located on mullberry lane. when crews arrived, the fire burned through the attic. firefighters say it was ultimately the smoke detecter saving lives jolting the mother and daughter out of their sleep. >> the lesson is smoke detectors. those save lives. had she not had those, the root of the fire could have extended into the house and we would have a different story. >> both women were able to escape along with the family dog. the husband had already left for work. at this hour, the cause of the fire is still under investigation. happening now. it is getting hot outside. let's look at the temperatures. what a wide range. christina.
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>> i want to point the numbers out. it is the last day where it is unseasonably warm out there. you will be begging for these temperatures. sunol is at 79 degrees. these readings are already a touch above average. we will add an additional 5 to 10 degrees as we head into the upcoming weekend. let's look at what is happening right now. we do have live pictures out there showing you the blazing heat coming in. the sun just broke through the clouds in livermore. look at the strong winds from the west. we are getting a southeast wind in gilroy. that is our warming mechanism. as we head throughout the weekend, it will be hot. heat wave saturday through tuesday. near the triple digit mark all weekend long all the way on monday and tuesday. late next week, things start to change dramatically.
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cooler weather. north bay showers. every time i check, this system looks juicy. however, it is slowing down. we are expecting showers as of friday, saturday and sunday of next week. major turn in the weather department. we'll sort it out for you. >> the forecast is hot and juicy. sounds like a nice picnic. >> you sound hungry. >> very hungry. the oakland school board is cutting a deal with the feds to end a civil rights investigation. the board says african-american students make up 32% of the student population. they account for 63% of all suspensions. this spring, the department of education's office for civil rights looked into the school district and if they treated black students more harshly than white students. the district agreed to make changes to the zero tolerance policy for the next five years. marla, the albany middle school teacher accused of lewd act was a child is set to appear
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in a courtroom this afternoon. about 100 parents packed the library at the school to find out more about the arrest of james azumasaki. he was arrested in his albany home on wednesday morning on suspension of lewd acts with a child under 14. >> a very delicate situation of an arrest being made and allegation being made, but no charges as of yet. you have to be very careful when you talk to kids and when you talk to parents. >> now substitute teacher is teaching azusumaki's class. the school will redistribute among other classrooms. morgan hill police looking for the mother they say used they are 10-year-old daughter as a partner in crime and left her behind. police say 38-year-old marcy
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keelan and her 10-year-old girl tried stealing $150 of groceries from the safeway. when the employees caught on to the scam in progress, she just took off ain a get away car wit her groceries and without her 10-year-old daughter. her daughter says her mother is not mentally fit. >> i think she is in a manic state. that is all i know. >> she lives in wyoming and police want you to take a look at this picture. on the look out for the green ford explorer with wyoming license plate of 4-1118. she is wanted on burglary and contributing to the delinquency of a minor. no bail for the man behind the film in the muslim world.
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the southern california man is being held for violating his probation from a 2010 conviction for check fraud. nakoula's film is linked to protests in the middle east. so far, no charges linked to the film have been filed against him. up next, new information on the suspect in the colorado movie theater shooting. apple apologizes for the lousy maps and jon kelley is a skateboarding fiend just ahead. and if the mystery house is not spooky enough, i'll take you here to show you what they have dreamed up. it is almost october. that story coming up.
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just in to the newsroom this morning, some new information about the suspect in the deadly movie theater attack in
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colorado. the court has just unsealed documents in this case. in the documents, prosecutors say james holmes was banned from the campus for threatening a professor weeks before the shooting. holmes right now facing 152 charges of murder and attempted murder for the july 20th shooting spree that killed 20 people at "the batman the dark knight rises." and ceo tim cook is apologizing for a map app that does not live up to apple standards. scott mcgrew reports that this is the second time in apple's history saying they blew it. >> they had to call a special press conference on the iphone 4 antenna. and cook posted a letter on the web site this morning apologizing for the software.
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he says apple will keep working nonstop until maps live up to expectatio expectations. he suggests you download different software or google web-based maps until it is fixed. remember we had gadget friday and boosted boards. the electric skateboards that can go as much as 25 miles per hour. we tried it in the newsroom afterwards. look at that. jon, how about that? and jon being the gentleman as laura checked it out. >> come on, jon. >> hand held remote. look at her go. i think mike tried something as well. no, not quite the same thing. we have more information on our facebook page and on it's a kick starter project. a great gadget friday. obviously everybody liked it a lot. back to you.
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>> i was hard at my desk working. >> revealing the ways we gather news. on the move. >> thank you, scott. let's check in with christina loren. christina, you rode that skateboard pretty well. you were the best of the bunch. >> that is because we did not give marla a crack at it. >> she was busy working. >> we do have good readings coming in right now. foggy like this over sunol this morning. right now, the sun is out in full force. as a result, you are warming up nicely everywhere except by the water. one of the indications of the live picture in san francisco. the clouds will clear, but not as quickly as yesterday. i have taken your temperatures down a touch. this sis a cooler day in the net five. 71 in concord. nice and warm through the interior valley. santa rosa, 56 degrees. you have the same conditions in
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santa cruz. cool conditions and onshore flow will keep your temperatures down 3 to 5 degrees from yesterday's high. we have strong winds west/northwest flow coming off the ocean. that is keeping you cooler in concord and livermore. look at gilroy, the winds shifting southeast. the offshore flow is picking up. the warm up. it will be hot. 69 in san francisco today. 75 in redwood city. 77 in los gatos. let's talk about the good and bad. the good is here, it is in the gulf of alaska. this will bring us our first showers of the season as we head through late week into the weekend. before that happens, it will nudge this big ridge of high pressure over the bay area. encouraging that onshore flow. winds pumping from land to sea. for us, that means higher fire danger just about all weekend long. if you are headed up to the mountains, seeking the cool weather up there, make sure you
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are cautious. this is the warmest stretch of weather. if it all pans out of the year from the first week of fall. peak warmth on monday. 103 degrees in livermore. the hottest we have seen in livermore this year was 105 degrees. getting close to the hot degree mark. look what happens. the clouds increase and the heat breaks and we are talking showers as we head into next weekend. when we meet back here next week, guys, it will be hot, but we will have records to talk about. back to you. >> looking forward to the harvest moon tomorrow. >> that is what i have been thinking about the last couple of weeks. coming up, a south bay attraction known for the odd history about to make you afraid. be very afraid. >> fright nights are back at the winchester mystery house. we have bob redell there live. bob, you got a sneak peek of the transformation of the mansion.
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how is sarah winchester? >> reporter: i wouldn't know. i think she is buried behind me, jon and marla. also, buried in here, and i'm bummed, was our interview, brett. i don't know what happened. i guess i have to wing this. wait. wait. is that brett? you didn't die. you're alive. >> of course not. i know there are some days. they wish they would bury me back there. >> reporter: he is the producer of fright nights. this is the longest haunted maze? >> in the country. 40 minutes long. >> reporter: this is something you started planning a year ago. it took about a month and a half to install. you just finished a couple of days ago. this is the casa grande behind us. what is it like to see your baby come to fruition? >> we started november 1st of
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last year. we have the process of watching 180 hours of horror films to get in the mood. we bring everything to life from set design to special effects and projection units. as you can see, the wonderful puppeteer for the day. >> reporter: whose blood did you get? >> we store a lot of blood back stage. the bullet holes and sarah winchester's design up on the wall. >> reporter: you had a couple of soft openings for friends and family to see what will work and what will not work? >> of course. >> reporter: what did you do? [ gunfire ] >> this is just one of our scare elements. it is a popper to take out the lights and the darkness lurks in on you. 110 actors. >> reporter: you have your
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friends and family come through and they said this scared me. this not so much. what are you doing? you are going back and saying actor number 29, you need to do this? >> exactly. we go through every 15 minutes and make tweaks to the performances. we want the scare perfect. there are pop-out scares and hydrolics. >> reporter: does anyone know cpr? >> exactly. >> reporter: this guy -- oh, no. look up. i see what happened. he accidentally fell from the water tower above where you can see other people are in slow motion freefall. are these employees? >> i wish they were. i'm sure they could use a nap after 18 hour days. these are wonderful dummies. they have fallen to their doom. they will have a projection effect tonight. there will be scents and smells
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as you walk through. you are smelling the environment and smelling the roses in the church. you are smelling slaughterhouse. >> reporter: let's go get a burger. >> let's go. >> reporter: we didn't get enough time to talk. he will film a movie here on sarah winchester starting next year. fright night opens at 6:30. runs through november 3rd here in san jose. jon and marla, happy weekend. >> that looks fun. >> you have been to the house, right? fright night? >> i have not done that. >> we should do it this year. still ahead, getting the head's up. the law that aims to keep college students in the know about rising tuition costs. ♪ just put a little bit of yourself ♪
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♪ in everything you do [ female announcer ] add your own ingredients to hamburger helper for a fresh take on a quick, delicious meal. it's one box with hundreds of possibilities. progresso. in what world do potatoes, bacon and cheese add up to 100 calories? your world. ♪ [ whispers ] real bacon... creamy cheese... 100 calories... [ chef ] ma'am [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. starting in january, college
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students will get a little advanced warning about tuition hikes heading their way. governor jerry brown signed ab-70. this requires schools to talk to students 30 days before they announce any plans to increase tuition fees. it requires a 90-day period between the approval of the increase and when it actually takes effect. the new rules will go into effect january 1st. and governor brown has been busy signing a number of other bills this week. the first aimed at community college reform and helping students combat the effects of student tuition if they meet minimum standards. another looks to make california a leader in making electronic versions of textbooks available to students. sb-1053 will create a database where e-materials will be
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stored. students could access the library anywhere in the state. finally, governor brown vetoed a bill that would ban smoking in long-term health care facilities. before giving ab-217 a thumb's down, he said it was admirable, but better for individual facilities and employees to devid devise their own policies. we suggest you stick around. we'll be back in a matter of minutes.
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welcome back. you made it to friday. we have a hot weekend ahead. triple digit heat, but not until sunday. saturday night, we will have a full harvest moon with clear skies over the greater bay area. everybody gets a clear shot at that. sunday, scorching at 102 degrees. we peak on monday. over to you. >> allow me to fan you off. >> good living right here. >> join us at 5:00, 6:00 and 11:00.
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